This blog is just for preview and share some stories about our vintage treasure. If you want to buy our stuff, please do have a visit at our link below. You may join our Facebook, Multiply, or Friendster account. Thanks Peeps. :D
Catch them on
RETRO STEREO part deux
only at GARAGE store.
Thanks :D
lucuu . sist . kapan upload nyaa . uda ga sabaar ><
ntar sore say.. mampir2 yeap. :D
siaap . hhe . nanti sore . sekitar jam berapa sist ?
sore jam berapaa???
uda gasabaarrr.
hohoho :)
harga yang biiruuu berapa, dear??
semuanya harganya sama say, Rp. 175rb aja kok. :)
dear ini doc marten bukan?
bukan dear.. just look a like. :)
say... ini vintage apa baru?thx ;)
brand new sayy. :)
ada warna lain ga? mmauuuu
cek katalog di facebook aja say?
lebih lengkap patternnya :D
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